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수속후기 바기오 파인스 후기

2011.09.14 17:25

lily5680 조회 수:10924

Hellow everyone, my name is Lily Choi.

Everybody called me Lily, not EunSeo.


Before going to the Philippines, i thought studying English in the Philippines is not good.

But After coming back to Korea from Philippines, I wanna recommend to my friends,

studying Eng in the Philippines is good.

Especially, if you can't speak Eng anything, I really recommend there.

Because people are friendly. This point is very important for Korean.

They try to listen to our saying and understand our story that even we can't understand.

Most of the Koreans are shy, so if we get pressure about speaking English, we can't say anything in front of  western people.

But in the Phillippines, I didn't care about this.

Moreover at least, i carried my confidence of speaking English from Philippines.


And if you wanna focus on speaking, I recommend PIA,

If you wanna focus on Gramma, I recommend Monol(I'm not sure,,spelling hahaha^^;;;)

I heard that there's a gramma class in Monol.

But If you  already studied gramma , you don't need to attend this gramma class.

This is up to you to decide.


Anyway, If you don't have enough time to go abroad,

                If you don't have enough money,


Studying in the Philippines is a very good choice.


Additionally, I wanna say, thank you to Woori education, especially Kim-sanghyun.

I was sick when i was in the Phillippines.

At that time, she tried to find some information on insurance and let me know it.

Thank you, Sanghyun Kim!!!