컬리지후기 Thank you Jane !!!
2020.02.13 07:17
I'm writing this message from confederation college lab room in Thunder bay.
Thanks to Jane's help, I'm studying in this college with happy, and enjoying winter life in Canada :)
Thanks once again Jane~~
It was last September(2019) when I initially submitted my documents to get the Study Visa from Canada government.
At that time, I had contracted with the small company who handle the visa works only and that was a great mistake.
After paying tuition fee to the college, I expected to get the Visa within 2 months but what I got was just a rejection letter.
I was so stunned since I never expected rejection!!!
I had to make decision, and with the help of manager Jane, that decision made quickly.
By cancelling the contract with the visa company, I decided to rely on Jane instead.
Her instruction was very detail and fast as well as trustworthy, and found that the previous visa company didn't do their best to ready documents.
We did ready everything we can do to minimize the failure and finally got a Visa after 4 weeks of submission by the early of Dec. last year.
After then, things were gone very well and now I made several friends including Canadian, Vietnamese, and Indian.
If it were not for Jane's help, I might not be here, and I know it was a excellent choice for me to believe in her.
Thank you very much Jane, and also want to say Thanks to Woori Education!!
PS; hope your honeymoon days are full of happiness!
아버님 유쾌하신 후기 감사합니다~
썬더베이의 생활은 어떠신가요? 친구분들도 만드시고, 또 열심히 학업하시는것 같은데요~~!
열공하시고 즐거운 추억도 많이 만드시길바랍니다~~
건강하세요 ^^